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Not only is it possible for the Internet to revolutionize the way you sell to your customers, but also how you communicate with vendors and with the staff within your organization. ESC offers a comprehensive set of services to help you gain a presence on the world wide web and take advantage of the latest developments in communications and marketing.


Dynamic site design includes everything you get with static sites but with the ability to display data "on demand." This type of site is used where there is a lot of data to display, but the layout of the data is the same each time, for example, a large staff directory listing. The data that displays is not coded directly into the page but is generated from a back end database.

In a dynamic site it is also possible to make the data accessible to changes by an administrator using a username and password. This means that the owner of the web site is able to keep the data current without having to contact the web developer each time. Examples of data that needs to be kept current might be:

  • Adding or changing information
    - new employee
    - name change
    - telephone / fax etc.
    - directions
    - map
    - contact information
  • Manufacturer listings
    - product names
    - web site links
    - categorized product groups
  • Monthly specials
  • Dynamic searches across data (drop down menus and keyword searches)
  • Almost any other kind of data control that you can think of

With a dynamic web site designed by ESC, all of these features are accessible using a standard web browser - there is no need to learn difficult applications like Access or SQL. You decide what changes you want to be able to make and we design it to fit your needs.



Static web site design is a more economic solution for less data-intensive websites. The data displayed is coded directly into the pages and is therefore "static" - any changes to the data have to be made by the web developer each time. Other services include:

  • Briefing and assessment of requirements
  • Domain Registration (additional fee)
  • Up to five custom page designs
  • Setting up of e-mail accounts
  • Vendor links
  • Meta tag generation
  • Uploading and testing of site
  • Search engine registration (additional fee)